KISCart PayPal Template

About KIS-Cart2002

KSI-Cart2002 Contents

Some Cart Q & A

How KIS-Cart2002 Works

Preparations for KIS-Cart2002 Setup

KIS-Cart2002 Setup

Additional Pages to setup for your on-line store


About KSI-Cart2002:

KIS-Cart2002, KIS being an acronym for Keep It Simple, is exactly that. This is the simplest of shopping carts available. KIS-Cart is a template, when used in conjunction with PayPal or ClickBank, can rival expensive shopping carts. If you have any experience with FrontPage, you will most likely not need any assistance from this manual. This is a template, which you can add to, change, or deleted information as you see fit. We have added some common shopping cart functions that you may find of value, and for this reason, you may want to skim through the manual to find out what you want to change. Many of the templates features are  developed with HTML 4.0 and JavaScript.  All of the template can be modified, depending on your level of knowledge with HTML.

KIS-Cart is designed to accomplish 3 objectives for your online store.

There are many excellent shopping carts on the market, each with their own target audience. We've opted for a simple, effective and FREE tool that will have you up and running in less than an hour, depending on how many products you have in your store. Most every shopping cart has a built in payment gateway for PayPal. That is how popular this payment method is. PayPal has an excellent shopping cart payment gateway that you can add to any HTML page, we will walk you through the installation of your "add to cart" button, and your "view cart" button. During the setup instructions, we will create an actual working cart based on one product, then show you how to easily duplicate your actions, and remove some of the tedious tasks of updating your cart. You can refer to our on-line "demo" store to see what the finished product looks like, and compare them to your results. We have taken the tedious task of linking your pages and images away from you, with information on how to preserve your links, even when you change the information, or the images. As a bonus feature, we even show you how to add a payment gateway for "software" transactions and immediate downloads for successful payment transactions.

We have built your shopping cart with your customer in mind, each link to your product detail page is conducted via JavaScript pop-up windows. As most of us know pop-ups can be very annoying, unless they are called for. In the case of your shopping cart, your visitor has the ability to browse your categories, and call for detailed information, without ever having to leave the category page. This is great because you do not want your customer to get lost in your web site, especially if they wish to conduct more than one purchase. Each product item in the category display has a zoom feature, which pops up a zoom window with a larger image of your product, and a more info link, which pops up a detailed product page window. Your customer has the option of adding the items to their basket from the product detail page, or the categories page.

Your cart contents:

1 catalog contents page = catalog_toc.htm
1 catalog page = catalog.htm
6 categories pages = categories1.htm.....categories6.htm
48 product detail pages = it1.htm.....it48.htm
48 product zoom pages = it1_zoom.htm.....it48_zoom.htm
1 generic policies page = policies.htm
1 generic privacy page = privacy.htm
1 add to cart help system = cart_help.htm / add_items.htm / pay_for_items.htm / remove_items.htm / view_cart.htm
1 generic shipping page = shipping.htm
1 product info request page = product_information_request.htm
1 KIS-Cart2002 setup manual= KIS-Cart2002_online_manual.htm

Cart Q & A

Q; Why did we choose a HTML template instead of a more robust .ASP shopping cart?